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BFBC2 - BattleTracker - Update Stats

Team IPX BFBC2 Stats

Update yaself onto the IPX BFBC2 List

Step 1) – Login to
Step 2) – Click MY PROFILE
Step 4) – Find Bad Company 2 and Click Find Account ID

After all that Clicking ya ON THE LIST………..


Fuzz's picture

Svalbard reward for doing this

A big one.

Microman's picture


All done :-)

Fuzz's picture

Svalbards++ MM


added to

the sigs and stats page dealie too

n0mad's picture

mmm Svalbards

Big thanks to Matt for the heads up re Battletracker now logging this;

So Fuzz do we now scrap the entire bc2-stats page and just place links
under the Statistics Heading on the main BC2 page like we do with ETQW ?


Fuzz's picture


Yep would agree with that. Was hoping to have some nice stats type sigs pulled in but didn’t turn out that reliable. I’ll sort that out.

Microman's picture


I’m now on the IPX rich list, above lt!!!!

i fail

at most things, but do i need the battle tracker clan password to get on the cool kids list.

Fuzz's picture

BattleTracker PW

@Limpet – Password PM’d


fuzz, have been part of ipx for a couple of weeks and have been really impressed. You guys play great and have fun. Reaallly sorry i don’t talk more on mumble, just can’t for the most. if theres any comp games or scrims that i’m needed for ill look at moving my set up to a different room. thanks again

Fuzz's picture

you're welcome

@Limpet: Glad you’re enjoying yourself. Mumble – it’s not a problem. Even if you weren’t able to mumble at all, there’s plenty of ways to contribute to the team.

Just out of interest.. did we point you at the Induction section of the site?

Think you were the first honorary who would have had a chance to go through it. Have a feeling we didn’t actually tell you about it though. If we didn’t, apologies, and there it is. Lots of useful info in there for new honoraries.



Sha8doW's picture

Actually limp fuzz makes a good point

Would love to hear thoughts on the applicaton inductin and training experiance. An ways to improve are to be invezriated!

Global domination of screwing Norway and all!

Shit iPhone spell check dealie doesn’t helpmuch!


training experience is a little confused. is anybody actually playing qwet on tuesdays, we seem to be on bfbc2. time clock defaults to nz time so doesn’t correspond to actual start time, as in says start in 15min but is actually 2 hours 15. with daylight savings kicking in is it 2 hours or 3 behind now. induction is pretty good , all the info is there when you sign up.
should we be starting a team tips page for bfbc2 now, so we can start dominating, little things like how many c4 does take down a tank, wtf is up with knifing now, had so many fails last couple of nights that i’ve been pulling out the pistol in stead.

n0mad's picture

Prac & Tornys

We try an alternate game each Tuesday Prac night but 0bviusly BFBC2 is getting a run at the moment.

Just Visit Gaming Practice Tuesdays 8PM
If you cannot show for a Prac just change Confirmed to NO

I sh0uld als0 add that if U wish to play any of the IPX games on a Tuesday
just get in contact with the BoD

Talking Prac Nights we also hold IPX Gaming Tornements on Friday Nights with Prizes.
You will be pleased to know we are about to announce a new IPX torny very soon.



are all good, been on bfbc2 most tuesdays, but wasn’t sure if i was letting you guys down somewhere. ipx torny, sounds invezriagating


im all set

Fuzz's picture


@Limpet: Thanks for the feedback.

time clock defaults to nz time so doesn’t correspond to actual start time, as in says start in 15min but is actually 2 hours 15. with daylight savings kicking in is it 2 hours or 3 behind now.

Hoping 1 will fix that when we get around to it. It uses a completely different date system.

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